
strace [opts] [prg]
  -f .......... follow child processes on fork(2)
  -ff ......... follow fork and separate output file per child
  -p <pid> .... attach to running process
  -s <size> ... max string size, truncate of longer (default: 32)
  -e <expr> ... expression for trace filtering
  -o <file> ... log output into <file>
  -c .......... dump syscall statitics at the end
  -C .......... like -c but dump regular ouput as well
  -k .......... dump stack trace for each syscall
  -P <path> ... only trace syscall accesing path
  -y .......... print paths for FDs
  -tt ......... print absolute timestamp (with us precision)
  -r .......... print relative timestamp
  -z .......... log only successful syscalls
  -Z .......... log only failed syscalls
  -n .......... print syscall numbers
  -y .......... translate fds (eg file path, socket)
  -yy ......... translate fds with all information (eg IP)
  -x .......... print non-ASCII chars as hex string
  trace=syscall[,syscall] .... trace only syscall listed
  trace=file ................. trace all syscall that take a filename as arg
  trace=process .............. trace process management related syscalls
  trace=signal ............... trace signal related syscalls
  signal ..................... trace signals delivered to the process


Trace open(2) & socket(2) syscalls for a running process + child processes:

strace -f -e trace=open,socket -p <pid>

Trace signals delivered to a running process:

strace -e signal -e 'trace=!all' -p <pid>