
Vtune offers different analysis. Run vtune -collect help to list the availale analysis.


The following shows some common flows with the hotspot analsysis as an example.

# Launch and profile process.
vtune -collect hotspots [opts] -- target [args]

# Attach and profile running process.
vtune -collect hotspots [opts] -target-pid <pid>

Some common options are the following.

-r <dir>           output directory for the profile
-no-follow-child   dont attach to to child processes (default is to follow)
-start-paused      start with paused profiling


vtune-gui <dir>

Programmatically control sampling

Vtune offers an API to resume and pause the profile collection from within the profilee itself. This can be helpful if either only a certain phase should be profiled or some phase should be skipped.

The following gives an example where only one phase in the program is profiled. The program makes calls to the vtune API to resume and pause the collection, while vtune is invoked with -start-paused to pause profiling initially.

#include <ittnotify.h>

void init();
void compute();
void shutdown();

int main() {


  return 0;

The makefile gives an example how to build and profile the application.

VTUNE ?= /opt/intel/oneapi/vtune/latest

main: main.c
	gcc -o $@ $^ -I$(VTUNE)/include -L$(VTUNE)/lib64 -littnotify

vtune: main
	$(VTUNE)/bin64/vtune -collect hotspots -start-paused -- ./main