Chili Oil


  • canola oil 500ml

  • bay leaves 2 pcs

  • star anise 5 pcs

  • cinnamon 1 stick

  • sichuan pepper 3 tbsp

  • garlic 3 cloves

  • red chili flakes 100g

  • salt 1 tsp


  1. Put oil and all ingredients (except chili flakes & salt) in a heating pot.
  2. Heat up the oil to ~110°C and keep constant heat for ~45min.
  3. Prepare chili flakes in heat resistant pot.
  4. After infusing the oil, pour it through a strainer over the chili flakes.
  5. Stir to roast the flakes equally and add the salt.
  6. Let the oil cool down and store in fridge.

When using stronger pre-roasted chili flakes, the oil temperature should be reduces before pouring over the chili flakes.